Sunday, January 8, 2017

Congestive Heart Failure: The Killer Silently

Congestive Heart Failure: The Killer Silently

Congestive heart failure or Congestive heart failure (CHF) is the failure of the heart in pumping blood supply needed the body. This happens because abnormalities in muscles of the heart can not work normally.

During this time, the heart failure cardiac condition described as someone who stopped working, in this case, is to stop ticking. Whereas, heart failure means the inability of the heart in pumping blood or the inability of the heart to normal blood quotas meets body needs.

Congestive Heart Failure: The Killer Silently

The Process Of Occurrence Of Congestive Heart Failure
The heart has four spaces that have their respective duties. Congestive heart failure there is the type of the left, right, and mix. In people with congestive heart failure, left bottom left or the left ventricle of the heart is not functioning properly. This section is supposed to be the optimal blood flow throughout the body via the arteries.

Because the function of the left Chamber does not run optimally, then there was increased pressure on the left of the porch and the blood vessels in the vicinity. This condition creates a buildup of fluid in the lungs (edema). The subsequent buildup of fluid can also be formed in the abdominal organs and legs. This State then interferes with the performance of the kidneys so that the body contains water and salt concentration more than required.

In some cases, the disease can also not because of the failure of the space underneath the left side of the heart in pumping blood. The inability of the left ventricle of the heart in doing relaxation also sometimes become the cause. Because it is not able to do the relaxation, then there was a buildup of blood when the heart does a back pressure.

What kind of symptoms appear?
There are some symptoms that indicate that someone suffered from congestive heart failure. Although at an early stage symptom probably will have no impact on the health condition in General, but over the worsening conditions suffered, then the symptoms became more real.
There are at least three stages of symptoms that can be seen in a person with congestive heart failure. The first is the early stage symptoms. At this stage, patients experience:

  • Swelling of the feet and ankles.
  • Easily tired.
  • Significant weight gain.
  • The more often like to urinate, especially during nighttime.

If the condition continues to worsen, sufferers appear some symptoms as below.

  • Irregular heart rate.
  • Tightness lungs causing cough.
  • Breath sound.
  • Shortness of breath due to lung filled with fluid.

Furthermore, if sufferers experience symptoms like below, then congestive heart failure can be said to have reached severe conditions.

  • Radiating pain in his chest through his upper body, this condition can also be indicative of a heart attack.
  • The skin becomes bluish due to lung suffered a shortage of oxygen.
  • The breath is short and quick.
  • Experienced fainting.

What dangers faced by Sufferers of congestive heart failure?
Someone who suffered congestive heart failure needs to be aware of the safety of his life. Sufferers must immediately undergo treatment or he will be faced with a number of other health disorder risk, among others:

  • Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia or heart rhythm disturbances can be suffered by patients with congestive heart failure. One of them due to the occurrence of atrial fibrillation in which the porches heart beat fast and irregular. This atrial fibrillation afflicts about third can patients suffering from chronic heart failure. If the patient of congestive heart failure later suffered from arrhythmia, then the sufferer will be exposed to high risk of stroke. He is also susceptible to complications of the disease, namely thromboembolic.

  • The failure of other organs of the body

One of the organs that could experience a failure of kidney function is. This happens because, in people with congestive heart failure, blood flow to the kidneys is reduced. If anticipation or without treatment, this would lead to kidney organ damage or kidney failure.

  • Sudden death

The risk of sudden death in people with heart failure types of what are also very high. In fact, the sudden death in people with heart failure can happen at any time, including while asleep. There is an alleged associate of arrhythmia booth Jung. But until now, the cause of sudden death in people with heart often still difficult determined especially if it occurs outside the hospital.

Overall, chronic heart failure disease, including congestive heart failure, is a contributor to the mortality is quite high. About 2-3 out of 10 people suffering from heart failure early to medium level ended died each year. While those suffering from heart failure at a severe level, about half, are not spared.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

How Do I Calculate The Age Of The Heart?

How Do I Calculate The Age Of The Heart?

Who would have thought that a person's age is calculated from birth can vary with the age of the heart. Aging on the heart turns out could increase the risk of death from heart attack and stroke.

The risk of death due to aging in the heart can be reduced if we avoid the various risk factors that make heart aging faster than our actual age. The age of the heart we currently can profile index is calculated based on the period of the body, blood pressure, smoking habits, as well as the history of diabetes. For example we aged 53 years, but since we are currently suffering from high blood pressure and have the habit of smoking, age of the heart we could be 75 years old.

Calculate The Age Of The Heart

Before calculating the age of our heart, let us learn the examination of what we can do to find out the condition of the heart.

Examination Of Heart Conditions

To know your heart health, we can follow some of the following examination.
  • Checking blood pressure

Blood pressure can be increased or decreased, depending upon the condition of the heart, emotions, activity, age, as well as the drug is consumed. Normal blood pressure in adults is a maximum of 140 on systolic and diastolic 90 on both read 140/90. It takes several times of tests at different times to ascertain whether we suffer from high blood pressure.

  • Check your heart rate

On examination of the heart rate, we can do it yourself by feeling the pulse. Count the number of times the rate in ten seconds, then multiply by six to find out how many beats per minute. An abnormal rate, as too fast or too slow, indicate the condition of our health. Check with your doctor immediately if your heart rate is consistently over 100 per minute or less than 60 per minute. Especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as short of breath, dizziness, and weakness.
  • Check your cholesterol

Doctors could recommend cholesterol checks to find out if we have an increased risk of heart pain. High cholesterol can lead to constriction of the blood vessels in the US, including on the coronary blood vessels through the heart.

Then How Do I Calculate The Age Of The Heart?
Sometimes in some countries, there is no heart age calculator, but that does not mean we can't know the condition of heart health as well as to avoid the risk of heart disease. We can still use the heart age calculator is already used by another State official.

In America, the age of the heart can be calculated with a predictor of age of the heart. This tool is intended for those aged 30-69 years. The calculations will be combine heavy period between the body, blood pressure, body time index profile, history of smoking habit, as well as diabetes. We can count with the heart age calculator already Okay they use as a personal estimate.

How To Avoid Aging Heart?

There are various factors that can make the heart age is older than our real age. What's it?

  • Like Smoke

Stop the smoking habit now. Smoking may invite the heart disease and stroke. One study found that a 50-year-old smoker who managed to liberate itself from tobacco can have a heart age 14 years younger than the age of the heart when he smokes.

  • Diabetes Disease

Should we keep eating patterns as well as checking blood sugar levels regularly. Normal blood sugar ranges between 70-100 mg/dL. For people with diabetes, blood sugar can exceed 126 mg/dL. Those who contracted the disease are at risk of experiencing aging heart, not to mention given the other heart disease also welcomes.

  • High Blood Pressure

Note blood pressure. We recommend that you control the blood pressure by controlling the intake of food and drink, as well as perform routine physical exercise. Hypertension may trigger hypertensive heart disease that include heart failure, thickening of the heart muscle, as well as coronary artery disease.

  • Excess weight

Living a healthy diet so that your body always normal period index. Overweight or obese can invite a variety of ailments, especially heart pain. To know the ideal weight restrictions, calculate the time index of the body by dividing the amount of weight (kg) with a total height squared (m) 2. Normally, the body's population of Asian period index is in the range 18.5-22.9.

We can make the heart more young age through eating a more healthy and balanced. But of course it needs to be accompanied by a routine exercise to launch the blood circulation. Brown rice, whole grains, maize, vegetables like spinach and broccoli, as well as fruits such as oranges, apples, grapes, and berries are examples of healthy foods that need to take precedence.

Apart from that, we also need to be diligent in exercising. Sports can help people with diabetes to control their blood sugar, in addition to can reduce stress and maintain heart health.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

More Info On Coronary Heart Disease

More Info On Coronary Heart Disease

Heart disease is the most common is coronary heart disease. This disease occurs when the supply of oxygen-rich blood towards the heart muscle is blocked by the plaque in the coronary arteries.

On the walls of the arteries can occur Ater Skelos is conditioned, i.e. the buildup of cholesterol and other substances grew so narrow the arterial space. The stack is called plaque. In fact, the plaque was already lodged in the walls of arteries since someone is still young. The higher a person's age, the more plaque builds up in the same location.

More Info On Coronary Heart Disease

His own plaque removing chemicals that make the walls of the inside of the vessels become sticky. At the same time, the blood contains inflammatory cells, lipoprotein, and calcium. These substances will then be stuck to the walls of the blood vessels making heaps more plaque.

The greater the plaque, the more narrow the coronary arteries so that oxygen-rich blood supply to the heart more thinning. Plaques can also rupture and then clog up the majority until the entire flow of blood in the arteries. When this occurs the blood flow resistance on a coronary artery, then a heart attack can occur.

Actually, the veins or arteries narrowed this usually make new blood vessels around the artery narrows. Unfortunately, the possibility of the new blood vessels can not carry oxygen-rich blood as much as old blood vessels.

The Thing That Enlarges The Opportunities Of Coronary Heart Disease
Some of the followings could magnify the risk of someone experiencing atherosclerosis.

  • Smoking. Suck smoking is a risk that most contributed to the increased risk of coronary heart disease. The content of nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke make the heart work more quickly than usual. Both of these substances also increase the risk of blood clots in the arteries. That wretched, other chemicals in cigarettes can also damage the lining of the coronary arteries so that progressively enlarge the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Smokers predicted having the risk of developing coronary heart disease 24% greater than non-smokers.
  • Cholesterol. Too much cholesterol in your blood flow can lead to coronary heart disease. The type of cholesterol that makes the risk of coronary artery disease is increasingly low-density lipoproteins (LDL) commonly referred to as bad cholesterol. Because cholesterol is what has a tendency to stick and stockpiling in the coronary arteries.
  • Diabetes. The diabetics are also predicted to have a two-fold risk exposed to coronary heart disease. This is because people with diabetes may have a layer of blood vessels are thicker than healthy people. The excess thickness of the coronary arteries could cause no smooth flow of blood.
  • The occurrence of blood clotting. Blood clotting or thrombosis which occurs in the coronary arteries will block the blood supply leading to the heart. Blood clots in the coronary arteries usually occur at the same location with atherosclerosis. Because blood clots blocking blood supply to oxygen, by itself would increase the risk of coronary heart disease for those who experience it.
  • High blood pressure. Blood pressure that is too high can also enlarge someone suffering from coronary heart disease. A person categorized has a high blood pressure if you have a systolic pressure range 140mmHg or more, or diastolic pressure around 90mmHg or more. Systolic pressure itself is defined as a measure of blood pressure when the heart is contracting or pumping blood out. Meanwhile, the diastolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart is being relaxed and filling with blood.

To minimize the risk of developing coronary heart disease, someone should want to do regular exercise, healthy diet, and smoking cessation. Some things like losing weight, lowering blood pressure, and cope with stress can also help prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease.
Monday, December 26, 2016

Stages Of Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation And The Advantage Of Being Able To Perform CPR

Stages Of Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) And The Advantage Of Being Able To Perform CPR

Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a method to restore the function of the breath and the body circulation or stalled. Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation aimed at keeping blood and oxygen remains circulating throughout the body.

CPR alone is usually done to people who are experiencing a heart-stopping and or not being able to breathe properly. An example of which is the required CPR on them are not breathing properly and his pulse rate or at a standstill after the accident, drowning, or heart attack.

Stages Of Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation

In addition, the CPR also provided if the person who suffered the accident does not move or does not respond to the actions of awareness given to others. To perform CPR, someone suggested have already undergone basic medical training.

It is these stages Do Resuscitation Pulmonary Heart
Stages of the rescue action through RPJ shortened to C-A-B which stands for compression, airways, and breathing. Compression is the compression stage or pressing the chest, the airways are next open respiratory pathways, and breathing a sigh of relief is to give.

Below is a little description of the stages of the CAB or compression, the liberation of the respiratory pathways, and help the breath of mouth. However before doing stages help RPJ, make sure to do the security of victims were from a variety of disorders that may be coming. Check also whether the victim knowingly or unknowingly, the conditions are not realized that require further handling. Be sure to contact the following numbers to ask for further aid, i.e. 118 to call an ambulance and the police at number 112.

Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Performing first aid with CPR technique starts by doing a chest compression. It is enough to put one of your hands at the middle of the chest of the victim than other hands placed on top of the first hand. Then closely the fingers of both hands and do emphasize the chest as deep as 5-6 cm, then release. Repeat this until you reach 100-120 times the pressure every minute until medical help arrives.

The second CPR Act is an effort open the line breathing victim. This is usually done after pressing the chest of the victim. How by looking up the head of the victim, and then both hands are placed on his forehead. After that, the person's Chin lift gently to open the breathing tract.

The next stage of the CPR was doing respiratory assistance by word of mouth. This can be done with a clamp of the nose of the victim, then position our mouth right at the mouth of the victim. Our breath breathed into his mouth and check that the chest of the victim already inflate and deflate like a person breathing in General. On each of 30 times the chest compression, accompanied with twice the aid of breath. Breathing techniques of Word of mouth should only be done by those who have been getting special training.

If you are not and have not been trained health workers, do chest compression with hands (Hands Only CPR) without supplying a breath. Chest compression device to continue emergency or regular called AED (Automated External Defibrillator) arrived and ready to use. Chest compression may also be terminated for the transferred to the paramedics when you've arrived. In addition, when the victim begins to move, the compression of the chest can also be stopped.

The Advantage Of Being Able To Perform CPR
Because the CPR played an important role in the survival of a person, then we are obliged to find out how to do it. The following are important reasons why we need to study pulmonary heart resuscitation technique.
  • It could possibly save someone from brain injury. One of the advantages we can do CPR was able to reduce the risk of brain injury victims. This is particularly likely to occur because the actions of first aid with CPR can keep blood oxygenated and keep circulating in the body of the victim. On the conditions when the body no longer traversed the supply of oxygen and blood, then the possibility of brain injury will be very high.
  • Could save someone lives. The more quickly an aid is given, then the more likely it is that someone who had an accident or heart attack can be saved. If someone is having a heart attack, then the function of the heart to pump blood to the whole body will be stalled. If CPR is performed immediately after the event, the more likely it is that the heart could be back at work distribute oxygen and blood to the entire body. This, of course, will increase the likelihood of a person to avoid death.

  • A rarity that could perform CPR. Don't be surprised to find the fact that more than half of patients who had a heart attack do not get first aid in the form of cardiac pulmonary resuscitation. The number one reason of lack of it is the sheer number of people who have never received training doing CPR. Though rescue efforts with CPR easy to learn at once applied.

  • Many occurrences of a heart attack at home. One other important reason why we need to have enough stock to perform CPR is often the House needs help. There is at least 85 percent of heart attacks occur at home. It could simply override the members of our family. By having the capability to resuscitate the heart and lungs, we can play a role in the escape of the people we love.
The Advantage Of Being Able To Perform CPR

Although doing CPR training is recommended, does not mean someone has not taken special training could not help people in this way. We could keep doing chest compression with hands (Hands Only CPR) if there is someone who needs help through this way until medical help arrives.

During this time, people are afraid of doing CPR because it felt it did not have enough expertise to do so. In addition, there is also fear of getting infected if breathing should help by word of mouth. To avoid overblown due to do artificial respiration, then doing CPR just emphasize hands on the chest until paramedics arrived.

Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation training does or has knowledge about this very important. These simple abilities could have been very meaningful in the lives of others.
Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Heart Of The Leak Occurred In Everyone

The Heart Of The Leak Occurred In Everyone

The heart of the leak or the existence of a hole in the heart, often undetected because rarely pose a particular sign or symptom. This condition can happen to everyone unawares.

In adults, the heart leaked often occur because one of the valves cannot be closed. Whereas in children or infants, the heart of the case could leak due to a hole between the left and right of the porch is not perfectly sealed, although there are also children who have disorders of the heart valves.

Valvular regurgitation
The human heart has four valves, i.e. the tricuspid valve, mitral, pulmonary, and aorta. Special network in the heart of this function regulates blood flow from one part to another part. Each valve is composed of two or three petals that can open and close. The petals of the valve will open when the blood is pumped into the space of the heart or pumped into another place, and close to prevent blood returning to the heart.

But there are times when this heart valve is not closed completely. As a result, the blood flow should have been moved to another place precisely back into the heart. This is what is called leaky heart valves or valve regurgitation.

Leaky heart valves often do not cause symptoms but there are also some people who suddenly experience it. A leaky heart valve symptoms are easily seen are chest pain, pounding or palpitations (rapid heart rhythms or irregular), shortness of breath or difficult breathing, feeling tired and weak, incapable of normal activity, dizziness, fainting, and swelling of the feet, ankles, or stomach.

Valve regurgitation treatment depends on how severe the condition leak, if there are signs and symptoms that are obvious, and whether the patient's condition is getting worse. The goal of treatment is only working to improve the function of the heart. Only the surgery can cure the valve regurgitation, by repair or replace the faulty valve.

It is important for patients with heart valve leaking to exercise every day (discuss in advance the right sports tiers with doctors), not smoking, and maintaining ideal body weight. In addition, don't forget to do a routine examination by a doctor.

Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO)
Patent foramen ovale occurs when a hole between the left and right of the porch of the heart are not covered. Everyone has this hole since before birth and usually closes himself shortly after he was born. However, there are some cases in infants where the hole could not be shut down.

For most sufferers, PFO does not cause problems even though the blood leaking from right to left of the porch. The problem will arise when blood flows contain blood clots. In addition, usually, a PFO do not cause signs or symptoms, so it is difficult to detect.

But in the case of very rare, infants with a PFO can show signs such as skin becomes blue when crying or defecation. These signs usually only occur if the babies suffer from PFO and other heart diseases. Whereas in adults, the symbols can be a severe migraine, TIA ( a transient ischemic attack that is blood flow to the brain stops flowing for a while), or stroke.

Most patients require no PFO treatment. But PFO could be closed through surgery. The trick is to cardiac, where a stopper is inserted into the hole using a long tube called a catheter. In addition, these holes can also be stitched up so close.

Leaky heart disease indeed often do not show signs or symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended that routine doing due diligence so that any disease can be immediately detected. If known disease early, treatment and treatment can begin early. In this way, the success rate of the treatment will increase anyway.

How To Measure Normal Pulse Rate And How Much Does A Normal Pulse?

How To Measure Normal Pulse Rate And How Much Does A Normal Pulse?

Checking the pulse can be a sign of whether the heart is working well or not. Come check if you have the pulse is normal or not.

Pulse rate is the number of times the arteries (the blood vessels clean) expanding and contracting in one minute in response to the heartbeat. The number of the pulse the same as heart rate. This is due to the contraction of the heart causes increased blood pressure and pulse in the arteries. Measuring the pulse the same meaning by measuring the heart rate.

How To Measure Normal Pulse Rate

How much does a normal pulse rate?

The number of one's pulse rate can be different from other people. Low pulse rate usually occurs if we are resting. So, how the heck is ideally the number of normal pulse rate? The average human pulse throbbing around 60-100 times per minute. Getting a healthy person, the lower the pulse.

But many physicians assume if the standard normal pulse rate must be converted to 50-70 times per minute. There are studies that reveal if a person's pulse rate at rest more than 76 times per minutes, he had a heart attack risk is becoming increasingly high. Although this rate is considered normal by the standards used today.

A fast pulse rate can be caused by sports activities; anemia; taking any medication, stimulant (like caffeine, amphetamines, diet pills, smoking), and alcohol; suffering from fever or some type of heart disease; as well as the overactive thyroid gland, and stress. While the low pulse rate at rest can be due to heart disease, medications to treat heart disease, a good level of fitness, underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). And weak pulse can be caused the presence of blood clots in the arm or leg, blood vessel disease, heart disease, and heart failure.

Anything that affects the pulse?

  • Age. Normal pulse rate in children tends to be higher than those for adults.
  • The temperature of the air. When temperature and humidity are high, the heart pumps more blood. As a result, the pulse will also increase about 5-10 times per minute.
  • The position of the body. The pulse when we're lay down, sit or stand, just the same. Sometimes when sitting/lying then standing, the pulse rate can rise slightly for 15-20 seconds. However, after a few minutes, the pulse will remain.
  • Emotion can increase the pulse rate, especially if are stressed, anxious, amazingly happy, or sad.
  • The size of the body. Obesity sufferers may have a higher pulse rate, but usually not more than 100.
  • Use of the drug. Drugs that block the hormone adrenaline tends to slow the pulse. While consuming too much thyroid medication will raise the pulse

Check your normal pulse rate
When curious do you have the pulse is normal or not, this is how:

  • Locate and press the tip of your index finger and middle finger on the base of the thumb on the back fold of the wrist, knee, thigh, or basin, folding the neck front/side rods of the throat.
  • Note the second's countdown clock and pulse for 15 seconds. Multiply the pulse with the number 4. For example, if for 15 seconds, Your pulse rate amounted to 8, then multiply 20 with 4, and it can be 80. This means your pulse throbbing 80 times per minute (20x4 = 80).

The pulse is usually checked to find out whether the heart is functioning properly or not, found signs of illness, examine blood flow after injury or when a blood vessel is blocked, and check out the health and fitness of the body in General.

You can check your own pulse rate normal after learning the steps above. So if you experience symptoms such as rapid heartbeat or irregular, chest pain, dizziness, fainting, head feels light, and shortness of breath, contact your doctor immediately.
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Cooking Oils Can Contribute To Heart Disease

Cooking Oils Can Contribute To Heart Disease

Cooking oil is used widely for cooking food, regardless of what kind. Each type of cooking oil contains unsaturated fat (good fat) and saturated fat (FAT nasty).

The diet includes a lot of saturated fat is associated with increased cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, the selection of the type of cooking oil became important.

Animal oil or oil sourced from animals, such as duck fat or lard, contain saturated fat and cholesterol. Certain vegetable oils also contain saturated fat. This kind of oil needs to be restricted to its use in order to maintain heart health. Here are some guidelines choosing cooking oil.

Cooking Oils Can Contribute To Heart Disease

  • Olive oil is one of the healthy oil choices for the heart. This is because the fat in the olive oil is mostly unsaturated fats and contain no cholesterol. This oil contains antioxidants as well as a little bit of vitamin E and k. Additionally, olive oil also has a high smoke point, good for sauteing with medium or rather large. Olive oil can also be used for salad dressing.
  • The smoke point is the temperature when the oil starts to decompose and fuming. Oil can lose some of his nutritional and give a sense of the less unpalatable to cuisine when it has reached the point of smoke.
  • Canola oil is also decent vegetable oils to choose from. You can buy it at the supermarket. Canola oil has a characteristic that is has no flavor. In addition, canola oil's smoke point belongs to high so nice used to bake, bake, and sauteing. Most canola oil has been through the process of distillation or refining so that it does not contain many antioxidants, such as olive oil. Even so, this oil can be used for a relatively long time. You can also use a mixture of canola oil and olive oil for salad dressing.
  • Avocado oil, this oil belongs to is not common in the market. However, the quality is not inferior to the olive oil and canola. Of fat contained in the avocado oil is also in the form of fat not saturated as well as cholesterol free, so good for the heart. This oil is safe to use in high temperatures without making it smoky.
  • Coconut oil, although it is recommended to restrict their use. This is because the primary fat in coconut oil is evil or fat saturated fats are not good for heart health. Coconut oil can increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. The experts are still debating whether the oil is good for health or not.
  • Palm oil is also recommended for restricted its use because most of the fat in the form of saturated fat. Palm oil is a type of vegetable oil that is most widely used. Eating patterns that involve much consumption of saturated fats, such as fried foods fried foods with Palm oil, may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Butter also rich in saturated fats, like Palm oil. Meanwhile, most of the margarine also contain fat, trans fatty acids combined with good butter and margarine can invite the risk of health problems. If you intend to process food using butter, choose margarine ' light ' which is composed of water thus reducing the saturated fat content.

By knowing the source of origin of oil product, you can be more vigilant in regulating his diet. You are encouraged to reduce consumption of fat, one way is by selecting a healthy cooking oil.