How Do I Calculate The Age Of The Heart?

How Do I Calculate The Age Of The Heart?

Who would have thought that a person's age is calculated from birth can vary with the age of the heart. Aging on the heart turns out could increase the risk of death from heart attack and stroke.

The risk of death due to aging in the heart can be reduced if we avoid the various risk factors that make heart aging faster than our actual age. The age of the heart we currently can profile index is calculated based on the period of the body, blood pressure, smoking habits, as well as the history of diabetes. For example we aged 53 years, but since we are currently suffering from high blood pressure and have the habit of smoking, age of the heart we could be 75 years old.

Calculate The Age Of The Heart

Before calculating the age of our heart, let us learn the examination of what we can do to find out the condition of the heart.

Examination Of Heart Conditions

To know your heart health, we can follow some of the following examination.
  • Checking blood pressure

Blood pressure can be increased or decreased, depending upon the condition of the heart, emotions, activity, age, as well as the drug is consumed. Normal blood pressure in adults is a maximum of 140 on systolic and diastolic 90 on both read 140/90. It takes several times of tests at different times to ascertain whether we suffer from high blood pressure.

  • Check your heart rate

On examination of the heart rate, we can do it yourself by feeling the pulse. Count the number of times the rate in ten seconds, then multiply by six to find out how many beats per minute. An abnormal rate, as too fast or too slow, indicate the condition of our health. Check with your doctor immediately if your heart rate is consistently over 100 per minute or less than 60 per minute. Especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as short of breath, dizziness, and weakness.
  • Check your cholesterol

Doctors could recommend cholesterol checks to find out if we have an increased risk of heart pain. High cholesterol can lead to constriction of the blood vessels in the US, including on the coronary blood vessels through the heart.

Then How Do I Calculate The Age Of The Heart?
Sometimes in some countries, there is no heart age calculator, but that does not mean we can't know the condition of heart health as well as to avoid the risk of heart disease. We can still use the heart age calculator is already used by another State official.

In America, the age of the heart can be calculated with a predictor of age of the heart. This tool is intended for those aged 30-69 years. The calculations will be combine heavy period between the body, blood pressure, body time index profile, history of smoking habit, as well as diabetes. We can count with the heart age calculator already Okay they use as a personal estimate.

How To Avoid Aging Heart?

There are various factors that can make the heart age is older than our real age. What's it?

  • Like Smoke

Stop the smoking habit now. Smoking may invite the heart disease and stroke. One study found that a 50-year-old smoker who managed to liberate itself from tobacco can have a heart age 14 years younger than the age of the heart when he smokes.

  • Diabetes Disease

Should we keep eating patterns as well as checking blood sugar levels regularly. Normal blood sugar ranges between 70-100 mg/dL. For people with diabetes, blood sugar can exceed 126 mg/dL. Those who contracted the disease are at risk of experiencing aging heart, not to mention given the other heart disease also welcomes.

  • High Blood Pressure

Note blood pressure. We recommend that you control the blood pressure by controlling the intake of food and drink, as well as perform routine physical exercise. Hypertension may trigger hypertensive heart disease that include heart failure, thickening of the heart muscle, as well as coronary artery disease.

  • Excess weight

Living a healthy diet so that your body always normal period index. Overweight or obese can invite a variety of ailments, especially heart pain. To know the ideal weight restrictions, calculate the time index of the body by dividing the amount of weight (kg) with a total height squared (m) 2. Normally, the body's population of Asian period index is in the range 18.5-22.9.

We can make the heart more young age through eating a more healthy and balanced. But of course it needs to be accompanied by a routine exercise to launch the blood circulation. Brown rice, whole grains, maize, vegetables like spinach and broccoli, as well as fruits such as oranges, apples, grapes, and berries are examples of healthy foods that need to take precedence.

Apart from that, we also need to be diligent in exercising. Sports can help people with diabetes to control their blood sugar, in addition to can reduce stress and maintain heart health.

More Info On Coronary Heart Disease

More Info On Coronary Heart Disease

Heart disease is the most common is coronary heart disease. This disease occurs when the supply of oxygen-rich blood towards the heart muscle is blocked by the plaque in the coronary arteries.

On the walls of the arteries can occur Ater Skelos is conditioned, i.e. the buildup of cholesterol and other substances grew so narrow the arterial space. The stack is called plaque. In fact, the plaque was already lodged in the walls of arteries since someone is still young. The higher a person's age, the more plaque builds up in the same location.

More Info On Coronary Heart Disease

His own plaque removing chemicals that make the walls of the inside of the vessels become sticky. At the same time, the blood contains inflammatory cells, lipoprotein, and calcium. These substances will then be stuck to the walls of the blood vessels making heaps more plaque.

The greater the plaque, the more narrow the coronary arteries so that oxygen-rich blood supply to the heart more thinning. Plaques can also rupture and then clog up the majority until the entire flow of blood in the arteries. When this occurs the blood flow resistance on a coronary artery, then a heart attack can occur.

Actually, the veins or arteries narrowed this usually make new blood vessels around the artery narrows. Unfortunately, the possibility of the new blood vessels can not carry oxygen-rich blood as much as old blood vessels.

The Thing That Enlarges The Opportunities Of Coronary Heart Disease
Some of the followings could magnify the risk of someone experiencing atherosclerosis.

  • Smoking. Suck smoking is a risk that most contributed to the increased risk of coronary heart disease. The content of nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke make the heart work more quickly than usual. Both of these substances also increase the risk of blood clots in the arteries. That wretched, other chemicals in cigarettes can also damage the lining of the coronary arteries so that progressively enlarge the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Smokers predicted having the risk of developing coronary heart disease 24% greater than non-smokers.
  • Cholesterol. Too much cholesterol in your blood flow can lead to coronary heart disease. The type of cholesterol that makes the risk of coronary artery disease is increasingly low-density lipoproteins (LDL) commonly referred to as bad cholesterol. Because cholesterol is what has a tendency to stick and stockpiling in the coronary arteries.
  • Diabetes. The diabetics are also predicted to have a two-fold risk exposed to coronary heart disease. This is because people with diabetes may have a layer of blood vessels are thicker than healthy people. The excess thickness of the coronary arteries could cause no smooth flow of blood.
  • The occurrence of blood clotting. Blood clotting or thrombosis which occurs in the coronary arteries will block the blood supply leading to the heart. Blood clots in the coronary arteries usually occur at the same location with atherosclerosis. Because blood clots blocking blood supply to oxygen, by itself would increase the risk of coronary heart disease for those who experience it.
  • High blood pressure. Blood pressure that is too high can also enlarge someone suffering from coronary heart disease. A person categorized has a high blood pressure if you have a systolic pressure range 140mmHg or more, or diastolic pressure around 90mmHg or more. Systolic pressure itself is defined as a measure of blood pressure when the heart is contracting or pumping blood out. Meanwhile, the diastolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart is being relaxed and filling with blood.

To minimize the risk of developing coronary heart disease, someone should want to do regular exercise, healthy diet, and smoking cessation. Some things like losing weight, lowering blood pressure, and cope with stress can also help prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease.

Stages Of Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation And The Advantage Of Being Able To Perform CPR

Stages Of Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) And The Advantage Of Being Able To Perform CPR

Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a method to restore the function of the breath and the body circulation or stalled. Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation aimed at keeping blood and oxygen remains circulating throughout the body.

CPR alone is usually done to people who are experiencing a heart-stopping and or not being able to breathe properly. An example of which is the required CPR on them are not breathing properly and his pulse rate or at a standstill after the accident, drowning, or heart attack.

Stages Of Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation

In addition, the CPR also provided if the person who suffered the accident does not move or does not respond to the actions of awareness given to others. To perform CPR, someone suggested have already undergone basic medical training.

It is these stages Do Resuscitation Pulmonary Heart
Stages of the rescue action through RPJ shortened to C-A-B which stands for compression, airways, and breathing. Compression is the compression stage or pressing the chest, the airways are next open respiratory pathways, and breathing a sigh of relief is to give.

Below is a little description of the stages of the CAB or compression, the liberation of the respiratory pathways, and help the breath of mouth. However before doing stages help RPJ, make sure to do the security of victims were from a variety of disorders that may be coming. Check also whether the victim knowingly or unknowingly, the conditions are not realized that require further handling. Be sure to contact the following numbers to ask for further aid, i.e. 118 to call an ambulance and the police at number 112.

Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Performing first aid with CPR technique starts by doing a chest compression. It is enough to put one of your hands at the middle of the chest of the victim than other hands placed on top of the first hand. Then closely the fingers of both hands and do emphasize the chest as deep as 5-6 cm, then release. Repeat this until you reach 100-120 times the pressure every minute until medical help arrives.

The second CPR Act is an effort open the line breathing victim. This is usually done after pressing the chest of the victim. How by looking up the head of the victim, and then both hands are placed on his forehead. After that, the person's Chin lift gently to open the breathing tract.

The next stage of the CPR was doing respiratory assistance by word of mouth. This can be done with a clamp of the nose of the victim, then position our mouth right at the mouth of the victim. Our breath breathed into his mouth and check that the chest of the victim already inflate and deflate like a person breathing in General. On each of 30 times the chest compression, accompanied with twice the aid of breath. Breathing techniques of Word of mouth should only be done by those who have been getting special training.

If you are not and have not been trained health workers, do chest compression with hands (Hands Only CPR) without supplying a breath. Chest compression device to continue emergency or regular called AED (Automated External Defibrillator) arrived and ready to use. Chest compression may also be terminated for the transferred to the paramedics when you've arrived. In addition, when the victim begins to move, the compression of the chest can also be stopped.

The Advantage Of Being Able To Perform CPR
Because the CPR played an important role in the survival of a person, then we are obliged to find out how to do it. The following are important reasons why we need to study pulmonary heart resuscitation technique.
  • It could possibly save someone from brain injury. One of the advantages we can do CPR was able to reduce the risk of brain injury victims. This is particularly likely to occur because the actions of first aid with CPR can keep blood oxygenated and keep circulating in the body of the victim. On the conditions when the body no longer traversed the supply of oxygen and blood, then the possibility of brain injury will be very high.
  • Could save someone lives. The more quickly an aid is given, then the more likely it is that someone who had an accident or heart attack can be saved. If someone is having a heart attack, then the function of the heart to pump blood to the whole body will be stalled. If CPR is performed immediately after the event, the more likely it is that the heart could be back at work distribute oxygen and blood to the entire body. This, of course, will increase the likelihood of a person to avoid death.

  • A rarity that could perform CPR. Don't be surprised to find the fact that more than half of patients who had a heart attack do not get first aid in the form of cardiac pulmonary resuscitation. The number one reason of lack of it is the sheer number of people who have never received training doing CPR. Though rescue efforts with CPR easy to learn at once applied.

  • Many occurrences of a heart attack at home. One other important reason why we need to have enough stock to perform CPR is often the House needs help. There is at least 85 percent of heart attacks occur at home. It could simply override the members of our family. By having the capability to resuscitate the heart and lungs, we can play a role in the escape of the people we love.
The Advantage Of Being Able To Perform CPR

Although doing CPR training is recommended, does not mean someone has not taken special training could not help people in this way. We could keep doing chest compression with hands (Hands Only CPR) if there is someone who needs help through this way until medical help arrives.

During this time, people are afraid of doing CPR because it felt it did not have enough expertise to do so. In addition, there is also fear of getting infected if breathing should help by word of mouth. To avoid overblown due to do artificial respiration, then doing CPR just emphasize hands on the chest until paramedics arrived.

Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation training does or has knowledge about this very important. These simple abilities could have been very meaningful in the lives of others.

The Heart Of The Leak Occurred In Everyone

The Heart Of The Leak Occurred In Everyone

The heart of the leak or the existence of a hole in the heart, often undetected because rarely pose a particular sign or symptom. This condition can happen to everyone unawares.

In adults, the heart leaked often occur because one of the valves cannot be closed. Whereas in children or infants, the heart of the case could leak due to a hole between the left and right of the porch is not perfectly sealed, although there are also children who have disorders of the heart valves.

Valvular regurgitation
The human heart has four valves, i.e. the tricuspid valve, mitral, pulmonary, and aorta. Special network in the heart of this function regulates blood flow from one part to another part. Each valve is composed of two or three petals that can open and close. The petals of the valve will open when the blood is pumped into the space of the heart or pumped into another place, and close to prevent blood returning to the heart.

But there are times when this heart valve is not closed completely. As a result, the blood flow should have been moved to another place precisely back into the heart. This is what is called leaky heart valves or valve regurgitation.

Leaky heart valves often do not cause symptoms but there are also some people who suddenly experience it. A leaky heart valve symptoms are easily seen are chest pain, pounding or palpitations (rapid heart rhythms or irregular), shortness of breath or difficult breathing, feeling tired and weak, incapable of normal activity, dizziness, fainting, and swelling of the feet, ankles, or stomach.

Valve regurgitation treatment depends on how severe the condition leak, if there are signs and symptoms that are obvious, and whether the patient's condition is getting worse. The goal of treatment is only working to improve the function of the heart. Only the surgery can cure the valve regurgitation, by repair or replace the faulty valve.

It is important for patients with heart valve leaking to exercise every day (discuss in advance the right sports tiers with doctors), not smoking, and maintaining ideal body weight. In addition, don't forget to do a routine examination by a doctor.

Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO)
Patent foramen ovale occurs when a hole between the left and right of the porch of the heart are not covered. Everyone has this hole since before birth and usually closes himself shortly after he was born. However, there are some cases in infants where the hole could not be shut down.

For most sufferers, PFO does not cause problems even though the blood leaking from right to left of the porch. The problem will arise when blood flows contain blood clots. In addition, usually, a PFO do not cause signs or symptoms, so it is difficult to detect.

But in the case of very rare, infants with a PFO can show signs such as skin becomes blue when crying or defecation. These signs usually only occur if the babies suffer from PFO and other heart diseases. Whereas in adults, the symbols can be a severe migraine, TIA ( a transient ischemic attack that is blood flow to the brain stops flowing for a while), or stroke.

Most patients require no PFO treatment. But PFO could be closed through surgery. The trick is to cardiac, where a stopper is inserted into the hole using a long tube called a catheter. In addition, these holes can also be stitched up so close.

Leaky heart disease indeed often do not show signs or symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended that routine doing due diligence so that any disease can be immediately detected. If known disease early, treatment and treatment can begin early. In this way, the success rate of the treatment will increase anyway.

How To Measure Normal Pulse Rate And How Much Does A Normal Pulse?

How To Measure Normal Pulse Rate And How Much Does A Normal Pulse?

Checking the pulse can be a sign of whether the heart is working well or not. Come check if you have the pulse is normal or not.

Pulse rate is the number of times the arteries (the blood vessels clean) expanding and contracting in one minute in response to the heartbeat. The number of the pulse the same as heart rate. This is due to the contraction of the heart causes increased blood pressure and pulse in the arteries. Measuring the pulse the same meaning by measuring the heart rate.

How To Measure Normal Pulse Rate

How much does a normal pulse rate?

The number of one's pulse rate can be different from other people. Low pulse rate usually occurs if we are resting. So, how the heck is ideally the number of normal pulse rate? The average human pulse throbbing around 60-100 times per minute. Getting a healthy person, the lower the pulse.

But many physicians assume if the standard normal pulse rate must be converted to 50-70 times per minute. There are studies that reveal if a person's pulse rate at rest more than 76 times per minutes, he had a heart attack risk is becoming increasingly high. Although this rate is considered normal by the standards used today.

A fast pulse rate can be caused by sports activities; anemia; taking any medication, stimulant (like caffeine, amphetamines, diet pills, smoking), and alcohol; suffering from fever or some type of heart disease; as well as the overactive thyroid gland, and stress. While the low pulse rate at rest can be due to heart disease, medications to treat heart disease, a good level of fitness, underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). And weak pulse can be caused the presence of blood clots in the arm or leg, blood vessel disease, heart disease, and heart failure.

Anything that affects the pulse?

  • Age. Normal pulse rate in children tends to be higher than those for adults.
  • The temperature of the air. When temperature and humidity are high, the heart pumps more blood. As a result, the pulse will also increase about 5-10 times per minute.
  • The position of the body. The pulse when we're lay down, sit or stand, just the same. Sometimes when sitting/lying then standing, the pulse rate can rise slightly for 15-20 seconds. However, after a few minutes, the pulse will remain.
  • Emotion can increase the pulse rate, especially if are stressed, anxious, amazingly happy, or sad.
  • The size of the body. Obesity sufferers may have a higher pulse rate, but usually not more than 100.
  • Use of the drug. Drugs that block the hormone adrenaline tends to slow the pulse. While consuming too much thyroid medication will raise the pulse

Check your normal pulse rate
When curious do you have the pulse is normal or not, this is how:

  • Locate and press the tip of your index finger and middle finger on the base of the thumb on the back fold of the wrist, knee, thigh, or basin, folding the neck front/side rods of the throat.
  • Note the second's countdown clock and pulse for 15 seconds. Multiply the pulse with the number 4. For example, if for 15 seconds, Your pulse rate amounted to 8, then multiply 20 with 4, and it can be 80. This means your pulse throbbing 80 times per minute (20x4 = 80).

The pulse is usually checked to find out whether the heart is functioning properly or not, found signs of illness, examine blood flow after injury or when a blood vessel is blocked, and check out the health and fitness of the body in General.

You can check your own pulse rate normal after learning the steps above. So if you experience symptoms such as rapid heartbeat or irregular, chest pain, dizziness, fainting, head feels light, and shortness of breath, contact your doctor immediately.

Cooking Oils Can Contribute To Heart Disease

Cooking Oils Can Contribute To Heart Disease

Cooking oil is used widely for cooking food, regardless of what kind. Each type of cooking oil contains unsaturated fat (good fat) and saturated fat (FAT nasty).

The diet includes a lot of saturated fat is associated with increased cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, the selection of the type of cooking oil became important.

Animal oil or oil sourced from animals, such as duck fat or lard, contain saturated fat and cholesterol. Certain vegetable oils also contain saturated fat. This kind of oil needs to be restricted to its use in order to maintain heart health. Here are some guidelines choosing cooking oil.

Cooking Oils Can Contribute To Heart Disease

  • Olive oil is one of the healthy oil choices for the heart. This is because the fat in the olive oil is mostly unsaturated fats and contain no cholesterol. This oil contains antioxidants as well as a little bit of vitamin E and k. Additionally, olive oil also has a high smoke point, good for sauteing with medium or rather large. Olive oil can also be used for salad dressing.
  • The smoke point is the temperature when the oil starts to decompose and fuming. Oil can lose some of his nutritional and give a sense of the less unpalatable to cuisine when it has reached the point of smoke.
  • Canola oil is also decent vegetable oils to choose from. You can buy it at the supermarket. Canola oil has a characteristic that is has no flavor. In addition, canola oil's smoke point belongs to high so nice used to bake, bake, and sauteing. Most canola oil has been through the process of distillation or refining so that it does not contain many antioxidants, such as olive oil. Even so, this oil can be used for a relatively long time. You can also use a mixture of canola oil and olive oil for salad dressing.
  • Avocado oil, this oil belongs to is not common in the market. However, the quality is not inferior to the olive oil and canola. Of fat contained in the avocado oil is also in the form of fat not saturated as well as cholesterol free, so good for the heart. This oil is safe to use in high temperatures without making it smoky.
  • Coconut oil, although it is recommended to restrict their use. This is because the primary fat in coconut oil is evil or fat saturated fats are not good for heart health. Coconut oil can increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. The experts are still debating whether the oil is good for health or not.
  • Palm oil is also recommended for restricted its use because most of the fat in the form of saturated fat. Palm oil is a type of vegetable oil that is most widely used. Eating patterns that involve much consumption of saturated fats, such as fried foods fried foods with Palm oil, may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Butter also rich in saturated fats, like Palm oil. Meanwhile, most of the margarine also contain fat, trans fatty acids combined with good butter and margarine can invite the risk of health problems. If you intend to process food using butter, choose margarine ' light ' which is composed of water thus reducing the saturated fat content.

By knowing the source of origin of oil product, you can be more vigilant in regulating his diet. You are encouraged to reduce consumption of fat, one way is by selecting a healthy cooking oil.

Get To Know The Meaning Of CABG Procedures

Get To Know The Meaning Of CABG Procedures

CABG is short for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft which is a surgical procedure to treat coronary artery disease. This procedure is done specifically for those who are experiencing clogging or narrowing of the arteries.

Simply be described that procedure CABG is making new routes around narrowed or clogged arteries. This new route is needed in order to keep the blood flow smoothly so that the heart muscle still get enough oxygen and nutrients.

Get To Know The Meaning Of CABG Procedures

Why Would Someone Need CABG?
Continuous work in the heart pumping blood throughout the body. The blood supply to the rest of the body is streamed through the arteries. Unfortunately, over the course of time and the person's age, the arteries in doing its job performance will decrease.

Atherosclerosis disease will appear at the time of the artery experience hardening and constriction caused by cholesterol plaque that builds up on the walls. Smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and old age are examples of factors that accelerate atherosclerosis plaque formation.

Angina and rupture of the blockage in the arteries of fat may occur due to atherosclerosis. Angina or chest pain is sitting wind due to the limited supply of oxygen-rich blood. If it is severe, then CABG procedures is the solution.

Atherosclerosis plaque rupture can trigger blood clots. This inhibits blood clots of blood supply to the heart causing the onset of a heart attack. To avoid this, usually the procedure recommended by the doctor will CABG.

Get To Know The Meaning Of CABG Procedures

How The Process Of CABG
CABG procedure generally takes 3-6 hours. The length of time the process of the surgery depends on how much the grafted blood vessels to replace the function of the blood vessels are narrowed or blocked. The creation of an alternative pathway for blood flow could use the blood vessels of the legs (the vena saphena), chest (mamaria internal artery) or arm (radialis artery).

After the blood vessels which will be grafted was made, the doctor will make an incision on the chest bone to reach the heart. When you pair the vascular grafts, heart will be stopped from pumping for a while. This can be achieved with the use of drugs. While this takes place, the blood to other parts of the body gets pumped by a machine outside the body. Thus, other organs such as the brain and the kidneys will continue to receive oxygen during blood flow to the heart is repaired. Shortly after the blood flow to the heart is repaired, cardiac patients are given a controlled electric shock strength so that the pumping again.

At the end of the procedure, the sternum will be merged back with wire and skin sewn with yarn.

However, no immediate direct patients getting therapy through a CABG. To determine whether it should undergo CABG or not, one must pass through several examination follows.

  • Physical examination

The heart, lungs, and the pulse will be examined carefully to ascertain whether the CABG performed right to someone. The doctor will also ask about how often, how long, and how severe the symptoms of related diseases suffered has been going on. Coronary heart disease related symptoms alone is usually in the form of chest pain and difficulty breathing.

The doctor will also make sure the artery which part are experiencing clogging, how severe the obstruction, and whether patients had heart damage other types.

  • ECG (Electrocardiogram)

This test will show how strong heart beat and regularity is accessible, whether stable or not. ECG is a simple test that shows the electrical activity of the heart. Through these tests will be known how fast the time taken by the flow of electricity when exploring any part of the heart.

Signs of heart disease or heart attack before and at the time, can be seen through ECG. Especially for patients of coronary heart disease (PJK), ECG can also be used to check if there is damage to the heart.

  • Test trainer heart

In the heart of the trainer test, patients will be told to run to make the heart work harder and beat faster while at the same time a heart test done. Patients who could not flee the possibility given drugs to increase the heart rate.

Why do heart tests like this? Because it turns out that heart problems are more easily diagnosed when work hard and beat faster.

  • Echocardiography

Through this test, the doctor can check the size and shape of the heart patients, including the condition of the booths and the valve. The workings of this tool is to harness sound waves produce moving pictures of the heart.

Echocardiography can also map the area an ugly blood flow towards the heart, the heart muscle which is abnormal, or injury to the heart muscle caused by poor blood flow in the past.

Signs of coronary heart disease could also be sought to know through an Echocardiogram test stress. This type of test is one type of test is an Echocardiogram. The aim is to know the level of decrease in blood flow to the heart when the body is on.

  • Coronary angiography and cardiac catheterization

Coronary angiography is a test that uses a special dye and x-rays to show the inside of the blood vessels of the heart. To insert dye into the blood vessel, doctors will use a procedure called a cardiac catheterization. This procedure is done to help doctors find the blockage can cause a heart attack.

If the patient later decided to perform CABG, then patients will need hospitalization up to a week. Meanwhile, the healing of this operation usually ranges from six weeks to two months. In order for optimal healing process, live a healthy lifestyle required as soon as possible.

Whether Angioplasty Can Save The Lives Of People With Heart Disease?

Whether Angioplasty Can Save The Lives Of People With Heart Disease?

What is a coronary Angioplasty? Coronary angioplasty is a procedure to open a blockage or narrowing of the arteries of the heart. After undergoing angioplasty, the life expectancy of someone who never or are at risk of having a heart attack may increase risk for a heart attack and the next can be reduced.

Angioplasty was generally instrumental increase blood flow in the heart. This mechanism is done by inserting a small balloon and bring up at the blood vessels are clogged to help expand its channels. This procedure actually include in its handling of heart disease, especially in patients over 65 years old.

This procedure is often combined with the placement of tiny wire tubes called stents. Most stents coated with medicines that help maintain blood flow in blood vessels stay open. Stent placement was aimed at opening up the walls of the blood vessels and preventing it from again narrows.

The Role Of Angioplasty
In general the angioplasty is the solution to the following health disorders:

  • To improve blood flow to the heart are clogged in people with atherosclerosis, among others the symptoms are chest pain and shortness of breath. Atherosclerosis, the hardening of blood vessel walls i.e. heart, occurred due to a buildup of plaques of fat. Angioplasty applied if lifestyle changes or drugs already can not relieve symptoms.
  • Can be done in the event of a heart attack to open the blockage of the blood vessels of the heart and reduces the risk of damage to the heart.

How Angioplasty Is Performed
Medical history and the results of the examination of the patient's body will be consideration of a doctor before this procedure is continued. To find out if the narrowing or blockages that occur can be treated with angioplasty and the exact layout, then the patient will undergo a coronary angiogram.

Angioplasty is performed by making a small incision on the skin, foot, arm or wrist, so that small catheter can be inserted into the blood vessels leading to the heart's blood vessels are clogged or narrowed. A balloon at the tip of the catheter's raised and shrunk a few times on the blood vessels, until the vessel walls actually expand. Then the catheter is removed. Chest pain can occur during angioplasty because the balloon was developed, blood flow to the heart is a little stunted. For undergoing the procedure, the patient will remain conscious but sedated and record the heart will monitor the heart rate of the patient.

Once the process is complete, the patient's heart angioplasty will be observed in the hospital for some time. If it was allowed to go home, you are usually advised to drink plenty of water and avoid strenuous activity. Try to always taking drugs like aspirin and the like that has been prescribed.

The patient must be immediately checked myself to a doctor if: the area where the catheter was inserted feels pain, redness, swelling, feels hot, or bleed. Likewise if you experience shortness of breath, chest pain, or feel limp.

However this procedure cannot be carried to every person who experienced the pain of the heart. Some people who experience the following conditions it is recommended not to undergo angioplasty:

  • The narrowness of the main blood vessels that carry blood to the heart.
  • The heart muscle is weak.
  • Have more than one disease that attacks the blood vessels.
  • Have diabetes
  • More than one blockage of blood vessels.

In the above situation, it is better performed Coronary Bypass Surgery i.e. surgery performed to create the new channel using blood vessels from other parts of the body so that the blood flow to the heart back smoothly.

What are the Risks of Angioplasty?
A procedure known as angioplasty is less infasif than Bypass surgery. However, as with all procedures, carry a lot of risk in this way:

  • The narrowing of the artery Restenosis or repetitive. Angioplasty stent without restenosis opportunities can cause up to 30 percent.
  • Blood clotting can occur inside the stents after the procedure. It also freezes the blood can clog the blood vessels of the heart and cause a heart attack.
  • Bleeding on the legs or arms in the location of the catheter is inserted.
  • A heart attack while undergoing the procedure.
  • Renal disorders due to a contrast substance use when angioplasty and stent mounting, especially in people who are more used to have a kidney disorder.
  • Damage to the blood vessels of the heart when the procedure is executed.
  • Plaques can be separated from blood vessel walls when the catheter enters into the blood vessels, and clog up the blood vessels in the brain causing a stroke.
  • The heart rate is too fast or too slow while undergoing angioplasty.
  • Allergic reactions to the materials contrast used in the procedure.
  • Deaths from heart attack or stroke.

Undergo angioplasty does not mean heart disease patients have vanished, but the symptoms of shortness of breath and chest pain diminished, but still can appear at any time. Therefore, it is important to maintain good health by quitting smoking, maintaining healthy weight, lower cholesterol levels, and exercise regularly.

If angioplasty was successful, means that people may no longer need to undergo Bypass surgery that requires an incision in the chest and stage of her recovery is longer.

Does Tomato Juice Can Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease?

Does Tomato Juice Can Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease?

Tomatoes contain abundant water and very delicious made into juice to ward off hungry during the day. In addition to delicious, tomato juice also contains a series of benefits.

Tomatoes have a low calorie level, i.e. only 10 kilo calories per piece. This certainly makes you don't need misgivings while enjoying the fresh tomato juice, even every day though.

Does Tomato Juice Can Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease?

Why does tomato juice is good for the body?
Tomatoes have a substance called likopen. This substance is one of the very powerful antioxidant which is very useful in the fight against cancer.
Based on research, likopen is very good for men. Those who consumed tomatoes and processed tomato products is expected to have a lower risk of prostate cancer.

Noteworthy is eating tomatoes that have been processed is better than eating raw. Likopen from tomatoes that have been processed or the juice turned out to be easier to digest the body compared with likopen originating from raw tomatoes.

Cultivate tomatoes help unanticipated likopen from cells in the tomatoes. Likopen is itself a type of fat soluble. If they are not made with tomato juice, cooking oil will help release likopen from his cell. Always pay attention not to add sugar or excessive salt when cooking tomatoes.

What are the benefits of tomato juice?
Basically everyone can take benefit of tomato juice, considering each person requires antioxidants. Here are some benefits of tomato juice for health.

Suitable for diets in diabetics.
Tomatoes belong in types of vegetables that have low carb which is around 5-10 grams of carbs in a half cup of cooked tomatoes or 1 cup of raw tomatoes.

Lower cholesterol
Tomato juice is allegedly able to reduce bad cholesterol by as much as 10 percent. The requirement simply by taking 25 milligrams of likopen per day. Just because a study is still fairly new, so the result is still in need of more in-depth research.

Minimize the risk of prostate cancer
Consumption of 10 servings of tomatoes or more in a week allegedly able to dramatically cut the risk of developing prostate cancer by up to 18 percent. It is estimated because likopen is antioxidants that protect cells from damage. If you want to eat this as recommended by tomato juice, be sure also to live a healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise and stop smoking habit.

Lowering blood pressure
The benefits of tomatoes on the new suspected blood pressure can be felt after eating tomatoes regularly, for at least eight weeks. However this still needs to be researched further. If you suffer from hypertension, there is no harm in eating tomatoes regularly. But don't replace Your anti-hypertension drug with tomatoes.

Lowers the risk of heart attack
This new proven efficacy in mice. Mice given likopen have better blood pressure and have less damaged tissue, after having had a heart attack. Unfortunately, studies involving humans have not been done.

For studies involving humans, likopen is trusted can increase the life expectancy of sufferers of heart failure. But like other diseases, needed a stronger scientific evidence on this subject.

Reduce the risk of stroke
A study in Finland mentioned that consumes a lot of very tomato likopen is associated with decreased risk of stroke by up to 65 percent.

Lots of benefits that can be obtained thanks to consuming the tomato juice, right? It doesn't hurt to start making tomato juice as one drinks to accompany everyday activities. Get the positive benefits which doubled while still living a healthy life patterns.

Chest Pain Left Side, Is A Sign Of Heart Disease?

Chest Pain Left Side, Is A Sign Of Heart Disease?

Left side chest pain often associated with life-threatening heart attack. However, it can also be caused by other disorders.

If you are a left chest pain due to heart attacks, you need medical help as quickly as possible. However, if caused by other disorders, it could be you don't need emergency relief.

Chest Pain Left Side, Is A Sign Of Heart Disease?

It's important to know what are the causes of chest pain left side and what are the symptoms that go with it, so that you can get a proper handling.

Learn about the causes and Symptoms
Here are some disorders that can cause chest pain left side.

Heart attack
A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is suddenly inhibited. If the left chest pain due to heart attack, you will feel your chest pressed, squeezed, and emerged a sense of weight in the chest cavity. Not infrequently accompanied with flavours like burning.

In addition, it may also arise such pain stabbed or numbness in the left arm, which can propagate to the right arm. The arm can be noticeably weaker or more severe than usual.

When a heart attack can occur will appear, symptoms of breathlessness, a sense of tired and headache. Other symptoms that can occur is the body secrete cold sweat and face flushed. The symptoms can appear differently on each person.

This condition is caused by the narrowness of the arteries to the heart to linger so that blood flow not flowing normally. The perceived symptoms are chest feels tightness or sharp pain such as muscle cramps on the left chest. Usually happens after a physical activity that makes the heart work harder.

Disorders of the bowel
While many gas formed in the gut and the body has not issued them, the gas builds up and pushes into the bowel so that the chest pain may arise. This condition is usually accompanied by symptoms of stomach feels bloated and often belching. Other digestive tract disorders is GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), where there is a flow of gastric contents back into the esophagus. Disorders of stomach acid can damage the esophagus and causes heartburn.

Problems in the lungs
Lung infection can cause inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) and of membranes around lungs (pleuritis). One of the symptoms that can occur is chest pain on the left side who makin feels when breathing and accompanied by a cough or a gasping breath.

Not only the physical disorders, stress can also cause chest pain left side. Uncontrolled stress can lead to a sense of tightness, soon to find out how to cope with stress. This condition can be aggravated by unhealthy lifestyles, like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, or diabetes. If this condition is not handled properly, can lead to heart disease.

Physical injury in the chest, like a muscle that is stretched or compressed nerve can cause chest pain left side. Nerve pain due to the depressed can also cause numbness in the arm that is often misinterpreted as a heart attack

The Importance Of Proper Handling Of
The handling of the left chest pain varies depending on the cause. Most importantly, recognize the symptoms that need action immediately, for example, a typical pain caused by a heart attack.

When you feel chest pain, try to lay down and take a breath short several times. Drinking water can help to calm yourself. Pain relief medications may help relieve the pain.

However, immediately requested medical aid if the chest pain experienced by:

  • It feels heavy, such as depressed and squeezed.
  • Spread from the chest to the arms, back, and jaw.
  • Lasted more than 15 minutes.
  • Accompanied by nausea, vomiting blood, shortness of breath and sweaty bodies.
  • Having suffered coronary heart disease risk. This risk can arise if you smoke, are obese, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.

Don't underestimate the left chest pain you feel. Immediately ask for the help of a doctor or medical expert to recognize symptoms that you feel in order to obtain appropriate relief.

Chest Pain Right Side, Is A Sign Of Heart Disease?

Chest Pain Right Side, Is A Sign Of Heart Disease?

Right side chest pain could have been related to a heart attack. Although generally a heart attack felt on the left side, the chest pain right side remain noteworthy because it could indicate the existence of serious health problems.

Chest pain right side rarely observed because people concentrate more on heart of the chest that is on the left. When in the right chest pain associated with several serious diseases that afflict body, especially in the elderly.

A sign of the perceived Body

There are some physical symptoms that can be felt when someone experiencing chest pain right side, namely:

Pain in chest when changing the position of the body.

  • Smarting sensation in the chest cavity or behind the breastbone.
  • Pain in the chest feels a stab.
  • Chest feels like a squeezed, pressed, and tightness.
  • Pain when breathing, especially when lying down.
  • Feel the flow back from the channel cerna in the mouth.

Conditions Related To The Right Chest Pain

Here are some of the causes of the onset of chest pain on the right side:

  • Virus infection causes flu and coughs can be responsible for the onset of pain in the right side of the chest. The pain will be felt more when coughing and perform breathing long.
  • Stress can worsen a person's digestive tract disorders. If the channel is disturbed then the cerna can trigger chest pain on the right side.
  • Sports or activities that involve the muscles of the chest in excess can cause chest pain right side. This pain usually comes from muscle pain and increasingly deteriorating right chest muscle-driven moment.
  • Lung problems that can cause chest pain the right part, among others, is pneumonia or infection in the lung tissue and pleuritis or inflammation of the lung membrane. There is also a pneumothorax, pulmonary conditions, namely that deflated due to trauma to the outside so that the air pressure inside the lungs and breathing is impaired. Embolismos or blockage of blood vessels in the lungs can also make chest pain feels right.
  • Inflammation of the liver or hepatitis has also become one of the health conditions that are responsible for the emergence of chest pain right side. Careful layout adjacent to the wall of the chest cavity right is the cause of why the right side chest pain when hearts are experiencing serious problems.
  • Injury to the bones, muscles, and nerves can also cause chest pain right side. A broken right rib will cause chest pain right side, especially when breathing and coughing. Muscles and tendons between the ribs of the right could also be injured because of a cough too hard or movement causing chest pain right side.
  • Digestive problems can also cause chest pain right side. For example, GERD or acid reflux can cause pain and burning in the chest part right because the esophagus and cardiac nervous networks share the same. Inflammation of the pancreas also causes pain in lower right side chest especially while lying down. Pain due to inflammation of the pancreas will improve each time leaning forward-facing. In addition, peptic ulcers are also potentially make the chest pain right side.

Ask for the help of doctors and Emergency Conditions

Because the chest has a wide range of very vital organ for the body, then don't think is underestimated if breast pain. Some conditions to the right chest pain accompanied the following conditions mandatory enlisted the help of doctor:
  • Hard to swallow.
  • Fever, chills, or cough while removing the greenish-yellow phlegm.
  • Right side chest pain that is severe but failed to go.
Meanwhile, conditions that need immediate emergency help is if chest pain right side accompanied by the following conditions:
  • There is a surprise attack in the form of heavy pressure and tightness on the sternum.
  • After a long time don't do sports, sudden chest pain accompanied with difficulty breathing.
  • Chest pain radiating to left hand, back, and jaw.
  • Heart rate or blood pressure too low.
  • Growing fast heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, pale, and sweat profusely.
Quick handling and prevention of early stage will be very helpful for the success of the treatment and prevention of the causes of the onset of chest pain right side.

What Are The Benefits Of Garlic For Heart Health?

What Are The Benefits Of Garlic For Heart Health?

Garlic is well known not only as a condiment Cook, but also believed to be efficacious for heart health. A variety of traditional herb from the days of ancient Egypt, India, and China, involving garlic as one of its main ingredients.

A number of studies associate consumption of lots of garlic with a decrease in blood pressure, cholesterol level, as well as improve blood circulation and keep the risk of heart disease.

What Are The Benefits Of Garlic For Heart Health?

However, the benefits of garlic for health are indeed not yet proven 100 percent, so it still required a more in-depth research. However, some studies have found the possibility of benefits such as the following.

Good for the heart and intestines

From the temptation of rats, it is known that natural compounds from garlic oil may help protect the heart from damage after having had a heart attack. Diallyl trisulfida, the name of the compound, believed to be used as a treatment for heart failure.

The same compound is also potentially able to fight the bacteria causes infection in the intestines. This makes the garlic could be used as an antibiotic to reduce diseases caused by bacteria that are in foods or in the environment.

Other benefits of garlic for health

  • Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol

Garlic extract is allegedly able to lower blood pressure in people with hypertension. Some research findings reveal that garlic can dilate blood vessels and relaxes smooth muscle.

Garlic also allegedly was able to slightly lower the cholesterol in the body, but not that garlic can be hypertension or cholesterol medication that is effective because it still requires more extensive research.

  • Prevent Cancer

A study found that eating raw garlic twice a week to prevent potentially affected by lung cancer. Consumption of garlic also allegedly can lower the risk of prostate cancer.

In addition, organo sulfur compounds in garlic are known were able to eradicate the cancer cells of the brain. Studies reveal that garlic can be an efficacious natural cure to inhibit cancer in the brain. However, at this time still required more thorough experiment as a medical procedure.

  • Prevent Colds

Garlic supposedly able to stimulate the immune system against the virus. Therefore, the garlic may reduce the risk of developing a cold. However, it is still in the form of early findings. So, still required further research to determine whether garlic can be a supplement that is able to prevent and treat colds.

If you intend to use the garlic supplements for the purpose of health, it's good you asked first to your doctor, especially if you have certain medical conditions. In addition, the efficacy of garlic can be maximized if consumed raw because cooking it too ripe can destroy the substance that matters.

Process And The Risk Of Heart Transplantation

Process And The Risk Of Heart Transplantation

A heart transplant was the final attempt if all the treatment of heart disease patients done does not give results. This process is the last efforts in improving the health of patients.

This procedure includes steps that are safe for underwent an examination on a regular basis. Thus, prospective patients should know everything that she would face.

Process And The Risk Of Heart Transplantation

What Is The Process Of Heart Transplantation?
Heart transplant itself is the process of replacing the heart already does not work optimally with the heart better than a person who recently died. Even though it sounds complex, heart transplant surgery needs to be done for the sake of safety and improving the quality of life of the patient. Broadly speaking, the following cardiac transplantation stage:

  • Find the right donor

Not easy to find the right donor. Usually the donor heart came from a person who recently died, but the condition of his heart is good. for example due to a traffic accident, or because of damage to the brain where other organs are still Prime. Displacement of the heart from the donor to the recipient should not be more than six hours.

  • Raised heart patients donor recipients

After the right donor is obtained, then it's time lifted the heart donor recipient. The difficulty of implementing this process strongly depends on heart health history will be lifted.

The heart that has experienced several times of operation will be more difficult and takes more time handled compared to the heart that have not undergone altogether.

  • Install a heart from a donor

The process of implantation of the heart from the donor to the recipient at the moment this is probably the easiest procedure compared to previous processes. Even generally only required five stitches just a heart from a donor in order to be able to function well on her new body. This process essentially aims to connect large vessels in the heart to blood vessels that will drain the blood throughout the body.

The Terms Can Do A Heart Transplant
Before performing a heart transplant, first make sure yourself whether it really wants to do it. If you've done other heart treatment but does not succeed and without doing the transplant threatened loss of life then a heart transplant is the answer. You also need to change lifestyle after doing a heart transplant, so that this procedure can be truly successful.

In General, some of the things below are the suggested conditions for not doing a heart transplant.

  • Have a history of cancer or other diseases that can shorten the age.
  • The age of patients over 65 years old.
  • Have severe blockages in the arteries is an arm or leg.
  • Not willing to change your life for the sake of maintaining heart health.
  • Have other diseases, severe, active infection and obesity

If you are not included in the row of the above conditions, then a heart transplant is considered safe to do.

What Are The Risks Of A Heart Transplant?

Although this operation heart transplant more sophisticated and higher success rates, does not mean the process is not at risk. Here are some of the risks that can occur from the surgery.

  • Treatment side effects

The immunosuppressant drug consumption as drugs that suppress the immune system of a person is indeed aimed at speeding up the heart of the new blends with the body but also there is the possibility it could cause side effects such as kidney damage.

  • Infection

The weakening of the immune system due to the immunosuppressant usage could also cause the infection hard to heal. No wonder if the patients who perform this procedure will be hospitalized because of the infection are difficult to heal in the first year after surgery.

  • Cancer

Cancer potency will increase due to decreased immune system due to the immunosuppressant drug consumption. Cancer of the skin, lips, and cancer non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is the most at risk of developing while undergoing treatment after heart transplant.

  • Problems on the arterial vessels

Arteries thicken and harden is one of the risks after a heart transplant. This can make the blood circulation in the heart not smoothly and can trigger someone had a heart attack, heart failure, heart rhythm disorders or.

  • New body rejected the heart

The greatest risk of heart transplantation is the rejection of the body against heart transplant. Although prior to this procedure, different methods will be done so that this doesn't happen, but the risk of denial persists.

Some symptoms of rejection the body against his new heart include shortness of breath, fever, weight loss rose because of a buildup of fluid, and easily exhausted. Meet the doctor immediately if this occurs.

Important to also be done after undergoing heart transplant process is to improve lifestyle, a healthy diet, exercise, good at managing stress as well as regularly taking medication for the sake of keeping your new heart health. Unattended, then the process of heart transplantation has been done will be in vain.

Important Note After Heart Surgery

Important Note After Heart Surgery

Heart surgery including the type of major surgery. After performing operations on these vital organs, you will receive some important notes from the doctor that you have to do at home in order to overcome the effects of post-operative and help speed up the recovery process.

Thus, what you should do after undergoing heart surgery?

Important Note After Heart Surgery

The process of recovery after heart surgery usually takes about one and a half to two months, but this time period can be different for each individual. After undergoing this surgery, your daily activity would be little changed. You can not have activity as readily kala until your condition began to improve.

To speed up the recovery process, it's good You live your daily activity is appropriate given the doctor's note to you, such as :

How to dress post-surgery? For a while, avoid wearing tight clothes that can be pressed or blow a scar incision operation.

How to take a bath post-surgery?. If you are a hobby while soaking bath warm water, we recommend that you avoid it during the recovery. This activity can return you did until the wounds heal post-surgery incision.

Comfortable bed. One of the effects of post-operative heart inflicted i.e. hard bed with sleep. This can happen because you feel the pain in the area of operations. To solve it, you can eat painkillers around 30 minutes before bed. Other things you can do to get a good night's sleep that is setting up the songs that can make you relax and avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, or Cola drinks.

Drive after surgery. It is recommended not to drive the car for one and a half to two months after surgery. However you are allowed to be passengers. This applies also for two wheeled vehicles. This period of time is recommended to help rejuvenate your sternum. The doctor ever advise to get out of the car every two hours and walk around some minutes when traveling by car in a long time.

Eating patterns. After surgery, usually your appetite will take time to come back. However, try to fill your stomach with a smaller portion, but more often. You are also advised to have a healthy diet to help the healing process such as eating low-fat foods and low or no salt. This diet can reduce the risk of developing a heart attack or having surgery again at a later date. If you are still less understand healthy eating patterns, you can consult the doctor.

Having sex after surgery. For some people, sex can be done after three weeks after coming home from the hospital. But it was back again on your condition. You can have sex again if you feel comfortable or for more details You can ask for the advice of a doctor.

Receive guests. We recommend that you limit received guests in the weeks after the initial surgery. Back to work. In General, a person who had just undergone heart surgery takes about two to three months before you can start working again. It also depends on the type of work the patient. Discuss with your doctor before going back on Your work.

Other activities. During the period of the restoration (first six weeks), you are allowed to climb the stairs (the doctor's permission), cooking, walks to the Mall, like watering plants, washing dishes and light household chores etc. But don't stand in one place more than 15 minutes. Nor lift heavy objects, more than 4 kg.

Another thing that you need to pay attention
Of post-operative heart, you have to thoroughly clean the area of the wound incision in order to speed up healing and prevent it from infection. Follow all the instructions of doctors which are:

  • Clean the wound without a raised plaster every day. Swab a wound area gently using SOAP and then rinse with warm water.
  • The wound incision is flammable and can be blackened if exposed to sunlight. To avoid this, we recommend that you keep the wound from sun exposure during the first year after surgery.
  • Do not the wound area with a slathering of cream, ointment or powder unless prescribed by a doctor.

It's normal if you feel an itching, pain, numbness or find a lump on your wound. Over time and with the help of medication, the condition it will disappear by itself. However, immediately contact a doctor if the wound area increased swelling, pain, or blush.

Chances are you've started can lead normal activity after three months after the operation. But if in doubt, consult a physician first.

Anatomy Of The Heart And How It Works

Anatomy Of The Heart And How It Works

When checked herself into the hospital, the heart rate is one of the initial analysis that was done the doctor to the patient to detect diseases using a stethoscope. What sort of Anatomy of human heart?

The heart is an organ of the body with a heavy task and work very hard. Every minute of it, the heart beats 60 adults-100 times under normal conditions and pumping around 5.25 liters of blood throughout the body.

Anatomy Of The Heart And How It Works

The Main Part Of The Heart
The heart is located in the central part of the chest, below the rib cage. Heart lung flanked by left and right. Anatomy of the heart and the size is different for everyone. There are four main room heart blood filled each with different oxygen content. Two spaces above and two below.

The two upper Chamber of the heart is called the atrium. This space is filled with the blood back to the heart. The left atrium receives blood from the lungs while the right atrium receives blood from the rest of the body other than the lungs. Then two spaces at the bottom of the heart called the ventricles. The left ventricle will be pumping blood throughout the body and the right ventricle to the lungs.

The heart has a separator in the form of muscle with a thick wall, called the septum that is right in the middle of the heart. On the surface of the heart, there are the coronary arteries that provide blood rich in oxygen to the heart muscle.

Around the heart also contains neural networks as a regulator of complex signal for contraction and relaxation of the heart. Meanwhile, the bag that surrounds the heart is called the pericardium.

The Workings Of The Heart
The task of the heart in the process of pumping and supplying blood to the entire body is not simple. Starting with the right atrium, blood supply is received from the blood vessels which are then streamed into the right ventricle. Supply of blood from the right ventricle to the lungs is forwarded to Exchange carbon dioxide with oxygen. Then blood stocked oxygen continues to move towards the atrium and the left ventricle that flowed throughout the body.

In order for the blood to flow properly, the heart has valves. Valves that help the flow of blood from the atrium to the ventricle is the mitral valve and tricuspid. Whereas, a functioning valve controls the flow of blood leaving the heart valve and aortic valve are called pulmonari.

All four of these valves keep the blood keeps moving forward, one direction. The valve will close quickly so that blood does not move backwards.

Beware Of Distraction On The Heart
Any disorder or disease that afflicts the heart's organs is considered very dangerous because it can lead to death. Humans also are confronted to risks naturally, i.e. the increase of the age, which can weaken the heart's performance over time and make it the more vulnerable to the attacks of the disease.

Some conditions that can interfere with heart health, among other things :

  • Coronary artery disease or commonly referred to as atherosclerosis. The condition of the artery narrows because the arteries blocked by plaque thereby reducing the amount of blood flow to the heart.
  • Noisy on the heart (heart murmur). Through a stethoscope, abnormal sounds can be heard from the heart that may be caused by obstructions in the blood stream.
  • A heart attack. The stopping of the heart's normal rhythm suddenly which can be accompanied by irregular heartbeat. This condition can make the heart beat is very slow or very fast.
  • Inflammation of the heart that can occur in a certain part or the heart as a whole.
  • Cardiomyopathy. The condition of the heart muscle's ability to decrease the contractions which can lead to impaired cardiac function.
  • Heart failure. Occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood as the body needs.

Keep Your Heart Healthy
Implement a healthy lifestyle is one of the terms in keeping heart performance remains optimal. You should also start considering smoking quit smoking, is one of the main causes of coronary heart disease. In addition, reduce the intake of alcoholic beverages.

More active moves. Get the benefits of the sport by doing aerobic activity around 150 minutes per week or can be done 30 minutes for 5 days. Maximization of existing with a balanced diet low in fat and high in fiber to maintain ideal body weight. Being overweight can increase the risk of heart pain.

Start reading food labels when you shop. Wherever possible minimization of consumption of products that contain too much salt. Reduce saturated fat also for example by limiting the snacks fried foods and replace the milk full cream with low-fat milk. You are not forbidden to eat meat, but limit the portions and prioritizing their meat without fat baked or grilled compared to fried.

That is not less important is to manage stress appropriately. Exercise brisk walk can reduce the pressure you feel and helps clear the mind. Immediately check with if you feel an abnormal pounding heart.

Dear to your heart. Make the change today by avoiding things that can harm health, while simultaneously starting new habits are beneficial for the sake of keeping the heart's performance remains optimal.

Does The Heart Pounding One Sign Of Heart Disease?

Does The Heart Pounding One Sign Of Heart Disease?

Without felt, your heart skips a beat every time. But there are times when you can feel your heart beating fast. Be careful, the actual situation is sometimes classified as normal can be a symptom of serious illness.

The heart pounding thrill is when your heart feels beating very fast. In certain situations, the heart palpitations can be a sign of heart disease. However, this condition is not generally dangerous and only happens once in a while because of many causes.

Heart Pounding One Sign Of Heart Disease

Triggers The Heart Pounding
Heart palpitations can be caused by many factors, ranging from simple and unconscious before. Here are a few of these:

Panic Attacks
Panic attacks make you feel the heart pounding accompanied by feelings of anxiety, stress, fear, nausea, shaking. Sometimes also accompanied by a cold sweat.

When you're feeling anxious, moderate exercise, in a situation in a hurry, or also very excited, the hormone adrenaline will be detached from the body and make the heart pounding. Joy of eating spicy foods, smoking, consuming alcohol or caffeinated beverages can also cause heart pounding.

Consumption of Medicines
Sometimes consume certain drugs can cause heart palpitations. Examples of such drugs include medications for asthma and to treat thyroid disorders. It can also be caused by cough medicine containing the stimulant pseudoephedrine.

Hormonal Changes in Women
Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause can cause heart palpitations. This condition is generally harmless and only temporary.

Health Conditions
Conditions following body can trigger heart palpitations:

  • Anemia.
  • Overactive thyroid gland.
  • Dehydration.
  • Low blood sugar levels.
  • Some types of low blood pressure.
  • Fever.
  • Disorders of the heart, such as a heart rhythm disorder or arrhythmia.
  • Abnormal electrolyte levels.

Heart pounding that is not caused by a small risk of causing heart disease complications. However, if the condition is caused disturbance of the heart, then the heart pounding can cause complications such as sudden fainting, stroke, or even heart failure.

Relieve Heart Pounding
Heart pounding in General does not require special handling because it only happens once in a while and are temporary. But you need to be careful if this condition often seemed without an obvious trigger or if you have a history of heart disease. Check with your doctor immediately if this condition is accompanied by fainting, chest pain, shortness of breath or dizziness, severe.

When checked, the doctor will use a stethoscope to listen to Your heartbeat. To check further, the doctor will apply some of the following tests.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): tests conducted by recording the electrical signals make your heart skip a beat. His goal was to detect heart rhythm irregularity.
  • An Echocardiogram: ultrasound on the chest to see the detail description of the structure and function of the heart.
Almost no special medicines need to be given to handle the pounding heart if it is not because of the disease. However, the doctor will give you a way to avoid the things that triggers the condition. Meanwhile the heart pounding caused specific diseases such as arrhythmia can be dealt with more focus on ways to relieve symptoms.

Hence the heart pounding can actually be handled independently. Here are some simple ways that can be applied to it:

  • Avoid triggers, such as nicotine in cigarettes, energy drinks, caffeinated drinks or drugs that can trigger symptoms. Discuss with your doctor if you are consuming the drug raises heart pounding.
  • Relieves anxiety and stress with relaxation methods such as yoga, meditation, breathing, sporting or aromatherapy. The way that can survive in the long term to avoid a beating heart is applying a healthy lifestyle as much as possible and avoid excessive stress.
  • Avoid illegal drugs, such as cocaine are at risk of triggering heart pounding.

Check with your doctor if frequency of heart pounding felt already outside the normal limit, has not found the cause, or if there is a risk of severe heart disease such as obesity and smoking habit. But the heart pounding that is not attributable to heart disease may subside by itself and won't often come if coupled with changes in lifestyle and a healthier mindset.

A Healthy Heart Function And Work Systems

A Healthy Heart Function And Work Systems

The function of the heart is pumping blood throughout the body. Appropriate means of transportation in charge of blood brings nutrients, heart and blood vessels make up the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels).

Normal and healthy heart is supported by a strong muscle tissue and work well in pumping blood. The heart that beats in continuously pumping blood able to siphon more than 14,000 liters per day.

Healthy Heart Function And Work Systems

The heart of man whose size is almost as big as a hand grip each individual, is divided into four parts, namely the porch right and left as well as right and left Chambers. Each part is separated by a layer of wall called the septum. Blood is pumped through these parts. To assist heart function, there is a valve that opens and closes. This is to keep the blood flow are on the right track. Heart valve as a whole consists of:

-Mitral valve, located between the foyer and left the booth left. This valve is normally have two leaves of the valve.

-Aortic valve, located between the aorta and left the booth or stem the pulse.

-Tricuspid valve, located between the foyer and the booth right right.

-Valve pulmonalis, lies between the artery and the right booth pulmonalis.

Heart function based on its parts
Every part of the anatomy of the heart have the function of each. Here is the explanation in more detail.

The right of the porch. Dirty blood (the blood that does not contain oxygen) enters the Foyer right through the superior and inferior cava vein. From the porch right, blood is pumped into the Chambers of the right. At the heart of the fetus, there is a hole right in the Foyer to allow blood to flow directly to the left of the porch. This is important for a healthy fetus circulation because the lungs of the fetus has not been able to work perfectly. The fetus will take the clean blood rich in oxygen from the mother. After birth, the baby's lungs could function, so the hole closed and make the limits between the right and left of the porch.

The booth right, is the part that is responsible for pumping blood to the lungs dirty. The booth is under the porch right next to the booth, and left. Dirty blood flowing through the porch right will pass through the tricuspid valve to get a booth right. The blood is then pumped toward the lungs through the valve pulmonalis and running through arterial pulmonalis. When this is not part of the heart to function properly so that it can no longer pump efficiently, you can experience the right heart failure.

The left of the porch, was responsible for receiving the clean blood from the lungs. Clean blood is blood containing oxygen. Blood clean entry to the left of the porch through a vein or venous Blood is then pumped into the Chambers of the left side through the mitral valve. From the booth left, clean oxygen rich blood is ready to be streamed to the entire body.

Booth left, is part of the heart of the most thick and served the net pumping blood throughout the body. The left heart Chamber is located at the bottom left of the porch and separated by the mitral valve. When the heart is contracting, the blood later flows back to the left of the porch through the mitral valve and then enters the booth left. The State of high blood (hypertension) can cause muscle booth left widened and hardened. When this happens, the function of the booth left to pump blood throughout the body can be disturbed.

Thus the importance of the function of the heart, in fact we keep healthy life patterns which include consumption of vegetables and fruits, regular exercise, and especially is avoiding smoking.

Hopefully by knowing about heart function and work systems can prevent symptoms or signs of heart disease.

6 Benefits Of Green Tea For Health And Prevent Heart Disease Symptoms

6 Benefits Of Green Tea For Health And Prevent Heart Disease Symptoms

Benefits of green tea for the health of the body and prevent symptoms of heart disease has been discussed since centuries ago. Research done in recent decades shows that green tea contains antioxidants that can reduce the symptoms of heart disease.

Green tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant species. This drink originally came from China. Green tea can be served in a State of heat, cold, mixed honey, or made into a tea brewed unsweetened.

Benefits Of Green Tea For Health

What Is The Content Of Green Tea?
In addition it seemed that favors, green tea has a high antioxidant content. The antioxidant itself has usefulness in combating free radicals floating around in the body. Excess free radicals can damage even kill body cells, so that can cause premature aging, cancer, heart disease, and other diseases.
The compounds catechins contained green tea have multiple power than vitamin C and vitamin E in halting oxidative damage in the body's cells. Green tea also contains B vitamins, folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and caffeine.

This Is Beneficial To Health
Green tea benefits in tackling the disease no one has fully proven to be strong. However, there is no harm in consuming green tea on a regular basis and in a normal portion. Some of the benefits of green tea which is alleged or it is estimated can be obtained if the body avidly consume is:

1. Lowering high cholesterol and heart disease risk
A study concluded that green tea is good for lowering bad cholesterol levels and being able to raise good cholesterol levels. The results of another study stated that polyphenols in green tea likely capable of blocking the cholesterol absorbed at once help get rid of it.

Several other studies have concluded that the antioxidants in green tea has the possibility to effectively prevent the occurrence of constriction of the blood vessels, especially in coronary artery disease. So as to prevent the signs of heart disease.

2. Against cancer cells
Researchers reveal that polyphenols have a role in helping to kill cancer cells and stop the growth of cancer. On the experiment in the lab and in animals, the content of polyphenols in green tea proves to be able to reduce tumor growth.

For the womenfolk, consuming green tea on a regular basis the possibility of being able to lower their risk of developing ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. Unfortunately, still required further research and thorough about the effects of green tea on cancer.

3. Prevent diabetes
Green tea has made controlling blood sugar levels since ancient times. Research involving animals proved that green tea can help prevent the possibility of simultaneously slowing the progression of type 1 diabetes. However, the necessary research on humans and more thorough about this.

4. Lose weight
A clinical trial to estimate the green tea is beneficial in burn fat and increase the body's metabolism. The researchers pointed to the green tea catechin was conceived as the responsible party as the owner effect burn body fat. But studies on this myself still not significant and still need further proof.

5. Stabilize blood pressure
A study mentioned that consuming green tea good for raising the level of blood pressure. This is especially for those seniors who have low blood pressure problems after eating. Unfortunately, the research on this subject is still limited so that the result is not necessarily valid.

6. Protects the liver
Green tea helps protect the hearts of predictable from damage caused toxic compounds that enter the body such as alcohol. Meanwhile, research involving rats, showed that green tea was able to fight off the tumor of the liver.

Levels of catechins in green tea are also already able to help healing the disease hepatitis caused by viruses. Unfortunately, the levels of catechins needed very much while the levels in green tea is not yet known for sure so that needs more research.

To note is not only a food or drink that can protect a person from a variety of ailments. Even though we get the benefits of green tea with drink it every day, all will be futile if our lifestyle remains bad. Therefore, do not rely entirely on one type of health food but still look at eating patterns, get used to exercise, sleep, and managing your stress levels as well.

Hopefully with this artiket can help you in reducing the signs of heart disease and deliver health care for all of us.