What Are The Benefits Of Garlic For Heart Health?

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What Are The Benefits Of Garlic For Heart Health?

Garlic is well known not only as a condiment Cook, but also believed to be efficacious for heart health. A variety of traditional herb from the days of ancient Egypt, India, and China, involving garlic as one of its main ingredients.

A number of studies associate consumption of lots of garlic with a decrease in blood pressure, cholesterol level, as well as improve blood circulation and keep the risk of heart disease.

What Are The Benefits Of Garlic For Heart Health?

However, the benefits of garlic for health are indeed not yet proven 100 percent, so it still required a more in-depth research. However, some studies have found the possibility of benefits such as the following.

Good for the heart and intestines

From the temptation of rats, it is known that natural compounds from garlic oil may help protect the heart from damage after having had a heart attack. Diallyl trisulfida, the name of the compound, believed to be used as a treatment for heart failure.

The same compound is also potentially able to fight the bacteria causes infection in the intestines. This makes the garlic could be used as an antibiotic to reduce diseases caused by bacteria that are in foods or in the environment.

Other benefits of garlic for health

  • Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol

Garlic extract is allegedly able to lower blood pressure in people with hypertension. Some research findings reveal that garlic can dilate blood vessels and relaxes smooth muscle.

Garlic also allegedly was able to slightly lower the cholesterol in the body, but not that garlic can be hypertension or cholesterol medication that is effective because it still requires more extensive research.

  • Prevent Cancer

A study found that eating raw garlic twice a week to prevent potentially affected by lung cancer. Consumption of garlic also allegedly can lower the risk of prostate cancer.

In addition, organo sulfur compounds in garlic are known were able to eradicate the cancer cells of the brain. Studies reveal that garlic can be an efficacious natural cure to inhibit cancer in the brain. However, at this time still required more thorough experiment as a medical procedure.

  • Prevent Colds

Garlic supposedly able to stimulate the immune system against the virus. Therefore, the garlic may reduce the risk of developing a cold. However, it is still in the form of early findings. So, still required further research to determine whether garlic can be a supplement that is able to prevent and treat colds.

If you intend to use the garlic supplements for the purpose of health, it's good you asked first to your doctor, especially if you have certain medical conditions. In addition, the efficacy of garlic can be maximized if consumed raw because cooking it too ripe can destroy the substance that matters.

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