Chest Pain Right Side, Is A Sign Of Heart Disease?

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Chest Pain Right Side, Is A Sign Of Heart Disease?

Right side chest pain could have been related to a heart attack. Although generally a heart attack felt on the left side, the chest pain right side remain noteworthy because it could indicate the existence of serious health problems.

Chest pain right side rarely observed because people concentrate more on heart of the chest that is on the left. When in the right chest pain associated with several serious diseases that afflict body, especially in the elderly.

A sign of the perceived Body

There are some physical symptoms that can be felt when someone experiencing chest pain right side, namely:

Pain in chest when changing the position of the body.

  • Smarting sensation in the chest cavity or behind the breastbone.
  • Pain in the chest feels a stab.
  • Chest feels like a squeezed, pressed, and tightness.
  • Pain when breathing, especially when lying down.
  • Feel the flow back from the channel cerna in the mouth.

Conditions Related To The Right Chest Pain

Here are some of the causes of the onset of chest pain on the right side:

  • Virus infection causes flu and coughs can be responsible for the onset of pain in the right side of the chest. The pain will be felt more when coughing and perform breathing long.
  • Stress can worsen a person's digestive tract disorders. If the channel is disturbed then the cerna can trigger chest pain on the right side.
  • Sports or activities that involve the muscles of the chest in excess can cause chest pain right side. This pain usually comes from muscle pain and increasingly deteriorating right chest muscle-driven moment.
  • Lung problems that can cause chest pain the right part, among others, is pneumonia or infection in the lung tissue and pleuritis or inflammation of the lung membrane. There is also a pneumothorax, pulmonary conditions, namely that deflated due to trauma to the outside so that the air pressure inside the lungs and breathing is impaired. Embolismos or blockage of blood vessels in the lungs can also make chest pain feels right.
  • Inflammation of the liver or hepatitis has also become one of the health conditions that are responsible for the emergence of chest pain right side. Careful layout adjacent to the wall of the chest cavity right is the cause of why the right side chest pain when hearts are experiencing serious problems.
  • Injury to the bones, muscles, and nerves can also cause chest pain right side. A broken right rib will cause chest pain right side, especially when breathing and coughing. Muscles and tendons between the ribs of the right could also be injured because of a cough too hard or movement causing chest pain right side.
  • Digestive problems can also cause chest pain right side. For example, GERD or acid reflux can cause pain and burning in the chest part right because the esophagus and cardiac nervous networks share the same. Inflammation of the pancreas also causes pain in lower right side chest especially while lying down. Pain due to inflammation of the pancreas will improve each time leaning forward-facing. In addition, peptic ulcers are also potentially make the chest pain right side.

Ask for the help of doctors and Emergency Conditions

Because the chest has a wide range of very vital organ for the body, then don't think is underestimated if breast pain. Some conditions to the right chest pain accompanied the following conditions mandatory enlisted the help of doctor:
  • Hard to swallow.
  • Fever, chills, or cough while removing the greenish-yellow phlegm.
  • Right side chest pain that is severe but failed to go.
Meanwhile, conditions that need immediate emergency help is if chest pain right side accompanied by the following conditions:
  • There is a surprise attack in the form of heavy pressure and tightness on the sternum.
  • After a long time don't do sports, sudden chest pain accompanied with difficulty breathing.
  • Chest pain radiating to left hand, back, and jaw.
  • Heart rate or blood pressure too low.
  • Growing fast heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, pale, and sweat profusely.
Quick handling and prevention of early stage will be very helpful for the success of the treatment and prevention of the causes of the onset of chest pain right side.

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